A principled, reliable and success driven professional with a strong sense of work ethics, I have approximately fifteen years’ working experience, ten years of which have been in middle to top level management. I have a rich experience in Microfinance, Internal Audit, Compliance, Treasury Management, Credit and Risk Management. I hold a Masters of Business Administration degree in Financial Management from the University of Hull, Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of Ghana, Legon and a Finalist of Chartered Institute of Management Accountant, UK.
Professional/Work Experience
Self Employed: Construction
• Clinic at Hobor: Ga West Municipal Assembly (January 2013)
• Construction of 600mm U-Drain: Ashaiman Municipal Assembly (April 2013)
• Gravelling Works: Accra Metropolitan Assembly (September 2013)
• Gravelling Works: Tema Metropolitan Assembly (November 2013)
• Gravelling and Spot Improvement: Kpone Kantamanso District Assembly
(November 2013)
• Upgrading of Obligade Road: Kpone Katamanso District Assembly (March 2014)
• Gravelling and Spot Improvement: Tema Metropolitan Assembly (June 2014)
• Emergency Machine Desilting Works: Kpone Katamanso (May 2014)
CFO -Chief Executive Financial Manager Axcon Energy, Ltd
2016 to Present
• In charge of Finance, procurement, Human Resources and Administration
• Contribute to the overall leadership, strategic planning
• Supervise the daily operational activities of the finance department
• Oversee inventory and asset management to ensure compliance and completeness
• Oversee procurement unit and ensure compliance with all relevant Rules and Regulations
• Make sure statutory obligations are paid on time
• Ensure accurate, complete and timely financial and management reporting
• Responsible for all insurance responsibilities
• Supervise the preparation of timely bank reconciliation for all accounts of
• Monitor budget, budget revision and ensure that cash control mechanism are duly established and implemented
• Continuous review of all financial polices and internal control procedures
Head of Finance and Administration: Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) November 2009-2012
• In charge of Finance, procurement, Human Resources and Administration
• Key member of loan committee. I ensure both qualitative and quantitative work is done correctly before any loan is given.
• Contribute to the overall leadership, strategic planning of MASLOC
• Supervise the daily operational activities of the finance department
• Oversee inventory and asset management to ensure compliance and completeness
• Oversee procurement unit and ensure compliance with all relevant Rules and Regulations
• Make sure statutory obligations are paid on time
• Ensure accurate, complete and timely financial and management reporting
• Responsible for all MASLOC insurance responsibilities
• Supervise the preparation of timely bank reconciliation for all accounts of MASLOC
• Monitor budget, budget revision and ensure that cash control mechanism are duly established and implemented
• Continuous review of all financial polices and internal control procedures
• To check fraud, new receipt Books with added security features were printed and the old ones in circulation retrieved to check unauthorized collection of the organization’s funds.
• In-house Training for all board members by external consultant was done for two consecutive days and new staff (Regional Managers, Credit Officers Recovery agents) received training of various kinds to broaden their horizon for the task ahead.
• MASLOC has migrated from the use of Manual Accounting to the use of a locally manufactured (Customized) Accounting Software package for all her Operational Activities.
• MASLOC Financial Statements which were not audited since 2006 has been audited by external auditors.
• To ensure proper Accounting procedures and adherence to the procurement act. Procurement Department and procurement committee had been established to take care of all MASLOC purchases.
• Loan Recovery has increased from 6% in 2009 to 94% in 2011
• Banks accounts of the center have been reduced from sixty-nine (69) accounts to twelve (12) accounts. This has made weekly bank reconciliation possible.
• For the first time in six years the center has a positive interest income
Head of Internal Audit: (Express Savings and Loans and Express Funds International Company Ltd, (Microfinance) February 2007 –October 2009
• Review and report on the accuracy, timeliness and relevance of the financial and other information that is provided for management
• Work with management to ensure a system is in place which to make sure that all major risks of the group companies are identified and analysed on an annual basis
• Pre-Auditing all necessary documents before any invoice or Receipt
• Make recommendations on systems and procedures being reviewed and monitor management response and implementation
• Review and appraise the soundness, adequacy of the application of accounting, financial and other systems for effective compliance and controls
• Monthly analyses of all branches activities including compliance
• In charge of Credit Cycle Compliance before any loan is granted
Treasury Management Officer: Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust; Manchester (UK) January 2005 – January 2007
• Maintaining data integrity
• Supervising the Coding of invoices
• Managing account payable department
• Working as a team player with other managers to achieve organizational goal
• Resolving any price or quantity queries
• Responsible for manually writing out payable orders for payments from Trust’s Charitable Funds
Senior Research Scholar in charge of Shariah-compliant financing. International Islamic Banking Commission; London (UK) April 2003-june 2004.
• Anti-money laundering officer
• Prepare final accounts in arrears up to trial balance using Sage Line 50
• Preparing schedules for accruals and prepayments
• Project Evaluation and Monitoring
• Budgeting and Forecasting
Compliance Officer: Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) Accra, Ghana. September 1998-September 2001
• Ensure employers are comply with SSINT Law
• Field officer in charge of SSNIT contribution
• In charge of Arrears Management using both preventive and Detective measures.
• Calculation of arrears and penalties of clients
• Educating clients on SSNIT issue
• Distributing demand letters to clients in case of default
• MBA in Financial Management: University of Hull, UK, April 2002-March 2003
• BA in Economics and Political Science: University of Ghana, Legon, 1993-1997
• CIMA Finalist: Chartered Institute of Management Accounting, UK
Computer and IT Competency
Applied Excel (Database Development and Management, System Design and Development, and Financial Modeling), Microsoft Word, Sage Line 50, Tally Accounting Software and Integra.
Leadership Experience
• School prefect at St Francis Girls Secondary School, Jirapa, 1986/87
• Head of Internal Audit, Express Savings and Loans
• Head of Finance and Administration, Micro Finance and Small Loans Centre
Voluntary Experience
Research officer for Food Security in Northern Ghana, Wa District Assembly, 1997
Currently finding market for shea butter for women groups in the Upper West Region of Ghana